AI/ML Engineer - Stage 1

AI/ML Engineer – Stage 1 provides the fundamental building blocks to create a professional Artificial Intelligence Engineer. This journey begins with the understanding of the theoretical underpinnings of Artificial Intelligence(AI) and Machine Learning(ML), which will provide the learner with an understanding of how each area of expertise is used in the industry.                                                                 

The course is further enhanced with the practical and hands-on approach that will introduce the learner to the most innovative tools and technologies in the industry, including TensorFlow and PyTorch. In addition, the Centre for Open and Distance Education (CODE) at SLIIT promotes and delivers the environment for the participants to achieve a global certification in the AI discipline with a systematic approach to coursework. 

Course content will be available for students at course enrollment and students are able to complete the lessons in a self-paced manner. To complete a lesson, you need to undertake a quiz and score more than 50%. You will receive a certificate of completion, at the end of this course.

Course curriculum

  1. Topic 0 - Course Introduction

  2. Topic 1 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI)/ Machine Learning (ML)

  3. Topic 2 - Prerequisites for AI and ML

  4. Topic 3 - Tools for ML

  5. Topic 4 - Guided Project on Computer Vision

  6. Topic 5 - Guided Project on Natural Language Processing (NLP)

About this course

  • Free
  • 6 Lessons

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